Every year, human traffickers generate billions of dollars in profits by victimizing millions of people around the world, including here in Fresno. Human trafficking is considered to be one of the fastest growing criminal industries in the world. But what can you do about it? On September 14, from 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. in Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary’s B.C. Lounge, the Central Valley Justice Coalition is offering a training so that you can equip yourself with knowledge. Learn how to recognize myths and misconceptions, how to identify victims, and find out what is happening locally and how to get involved.
The following week, September 21, we will hear about the global impact of modern day slavery, financial impact and hear from law enforcement and other partner agencies.
Register for the HT 101 introductory course at www.justiceco.org/ht101. Cost is $20 for advanced registration and $30 at the door. Students are half price.
Register for the HT 201 course at www.justiceco.org/ht201. Cost is $20 for advanced registration and $30 at the door. Students are half price.
Cost is per class.
For more information about human trafficking: 559-227-8001 or email info@justiceco.org.