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Building Community Associations that Get Things Done!

Tired of endless lists of obvious problems plaguing our city and the division that so frustratingly prevents progress in our country? Learn the skills you need to identify the strengths of a community so as to better seek its peace. This half-day seminar is engaging and fun and it could spark a transformational process in our community.

Join us and lead facilitator Ron Dwyer-Voss for a fun and informative training on Tuesday, November 7 from 9:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at PARC Grove Commons located at 2674 E. Clinton Ave., Fresno, 93703.

The cost is $25 for Community members and $10 for students. Register at

Ron Dwyer-Voss founded Pacific Community Solutions in 2006 to support people, organizations and agencies working to create positive social and economic change in their local communities. He is a faculty member of the Asset Based Community Development Institute at Northwestern University and of NeighborWorks America.

This event is sponsored by Fresno Metro Ministry,Regenerate California Innovation, every Neighborhood Partnership and the Center for Community Transformation.

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