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Community Engagement

We believe our community thrives when multiple stakeholders work towards a common vision.

What is a Community School?

A community school is a “whole child” school improvement strategy through community engagement. Like every good school, Community Schools must be built on a foundation of powerful teaching that includes challenging academic content and supports students’ mastery of 21st century skills and competencies. At CCT, we believe in helping children in the valley thrive in their academic, mental, physical and social skills. We see community schools as a way to pursue equity and access so that all students and families will have access to resources, opportunities and supports to academic, social and emotional development and well-being. 

Listening Tours

We partner with local schools in Fresno Unified School District to provide asset and need assessments, through a qualitative lens, focused on focus groups and 1-on-1s with students, parents, site staff and community benefit organizations. In partnership with school administration and community schools coordinators, we support the development of community school advisory council, strengthening community-driven leadership within the school.

Our Partner schools:

2023 Cohort: 

Birney Elementary

Fort Miller Middle School

Holland Elementary

Norseman Elementary

Thomas Elementary

2024 Cohort

Addams Elementary

Ayer Elementary

Calwa Elementary

Columbia Elementary

Gaston Middle School

Heaton Elementary

Jackson Elementary

Jefferson Elementary

King Elementary

Kirk Elementary

Lincoln Elementary

Robinson Elementary

Tehipite Middle School

Tioga Middle School

2025 Cohort

Anthony Elementary    

Greenberg Elementary

Hamilton K-8

Hidalgo Elementary

Kings Canyon Middle School

Lane Elementary

Pyle Elementary

Rowell Elementary

Sequioa Elementary

Slate Elementary

Williams Elementary

Community engagement Bootcamps

We offer multi-day professional development in partnership with Central Valley RTAC, to 11 counties between Kern to Amador, centered at Kern County Office of Education, Fresno County Office of Education and Stanislaus County of Education. These bootcamps offer best practice strategies for community engagement as schools move to engaging their communities in deeper ways.

In 2023-2024, we served more than 50 school districts through our 3 partner sites in Stanislaus, Fresno, and Kern counties.

This year, we will be offering trainings again in Stanislaus, Fresno and Kern counties.

Youth Entrepreneurship

As we look to pursue equity in the valley, we find that our marginalized communities often lack opportunities and access to the right resources. This is even more true in our rural communities. This is why we are investing deeper in our rural communities now more than ever. We our taking our 12+ years of experience in raising capital for start-up ideas in the valley and offering this to youth entrepreneurs and creating a platform to share and receive investment to hire themselves and others in good-paying jobs. We offer a series of business plan workshops, feasibility planning, a pitch competition and a 7-week entrepreneurship cohort that will take these youth entrepreneurs from idea to launch. Ask us about our rural pitch competitions in:

  • Reedley
  • Dinuba
  • Tulare

bring a pitch competion to your city/town

Contact Bryan Feil at

Youth entrepreneurship Clubs

We offer 7-week on-campus clubs that teach the basics of starting a business, with an eighth week featuring a demo day to showcase the ideas of the youth in the club.

Youth Financial Literacy

Coming soon in Spring of 2025, is our Youth Financial Literacy program. With two tracks, one for basic financial education and a second about long-term financial health and well-being.