Innovation in Service of People Experiencing Homelessness

How would you summarize your strategy for helping people turn their lives around? For Kings Gospel Mission, it is simple: they Rescue, Restore and Re-establish. The basic approach is simply focused on three crucial pillars: They providing men and women a safe place, positive pursuits for them during the day, along with a Christ-centered peer support community.  Of course, accomplishing this is anything but simple. And in their case, it has required going beyond the traditional rescue mission approach.

Facilities include what you might expect: a homeless shelter for men, a sober living place for women, a mobile shower unit and a discipleship school.

But one of the innovative ways they support their work is with enterprise. In fact, Kings Gospel Mission is a two-time CCT Spark Tank award winner for their social enterprise approaches. They operate two recycling centers, and have launched other internal businesses.  Spark Tank helped the leaders evaluate the business models. The initial capital awarded was helpful in procuring necessary equipment.

The second recycling center was started recently because the man who was running the first one wanted to bring community together.  Just two years ago, this was a homeless meth addict.   Now, restored and re-established he is leading others to the love and light of the Lord.   This is just one impact story of the many who have been rescued through the work of their hands and the light of His Word.

Dave Clevenger, Director, expressed his appreciation for the support of the CCT, “The visits and mentorship allows business acumen to flourish and be formed with a supportive group of friends to help us, even if it is prayer, or concern, resources, or guidance.” The CCT’s assistance is help them innovate.

And the innovation continues. They are embarking on their most complex and faith-filled venture yet: A village of 576 square foot, factory-built, manufactured homes to have affordable supportive housing in peer focused communities on a piece of donated property. Even the building of them provides jobs for the men they serve. Each unit has 2 bedrooms and costs a mere $57,000, tens of thousands less than traditional “affordable housing.” Next to the village will be commercial development providing many of the services people need for life, a laundromat, a grocery store, a restaurant. Good work, modest but nice homes, a supportive, connected community, and necessary services. This is a novel, dignity-based approach in the greater Hanford area, providing a replicable model for addressing homelessness elsewhere:  a safe place to rest, positive pursuits during the day, and a Christ-centered peer support community.  Thank you Kings Gospel Mission for your innovative approach. The CCT salutes you!

For more information: or 559-203-5204

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