DON’T BLINK or You’ll Miss It!

If you missed the live event, not to worry. You haven’t missed the encouragement. Over your next lunch break, in between bites, click on our YouTube link: and just take 26 minutes to refresh your view of God’s work in the valley. You will get quick-but-inspiring updates on the CCT’s initiatives, and tools that will help you address our community’s greatest needs.

After working with leaders for many years we have discovered that the primary source of cynicism and discouragement in a person’s life is detachment. When we retreat into our own worlds, we miss the signs of hope and signs of God being discovered every day by people who are leaning into God’s transformational work. This CCT Snapshot, by means of quick, two-minute updates on how we are making progress in each of our initiatives, will connect you to the good work of God in the Valley. The result? You will feel encouraged, connected, plugged into things that are making a difference for the common good.

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