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Add Fuel to Our Spark

Businesses can play a key role in addressing community problems when they commit some aspect of their product or service or business model to community solutions.  And with financial instability in people’s lives leading to well-documented social challenges we know that investment in new business models helps to heal the wound at the core of so many in our city — the lack of adequate, meaningful work.  This is why we help to start and build Social Enterprises, and why we ask for your strategic help.

Over the past 5 years, the CCT has now invested over $90k to help spark 38 social businesses through our Spark Tank Pitch Fest. A Spark Tank award provides churches and individual social entrepreneurs with just enough assistance to encourage the risk. And the rewards have been huge.  The funding helps a social enterprise purchase equipment to get started —   Dave Clevenger of King’s Cornerstone Recycling acquired a used truck for pick ups and now employs formerly homeless men, Vikki Luna of Cornerstone Coffee obtained an industrial refrigerator and coffee equipment now being used by women bcoming out of rehab.  Robert Solorio bought a t-shirt press to help fund 4His Glory Apparel company and help start New Creations Thrift Shop, which employs formerly homeless women. Each of these businesses employs people who were out of work and were having a hard time finding a job. We must raise the money that we award to spark a new social enterprise.

An donation to the CCT’s Spark Tank helps to set this in motion:  Community members solving community problems through business.

For your immediate support scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the DONATE button.

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