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Is the CCT Barking Mad?


Put 20 panting, drooling, yelping (but amazingly non-pooping) dogs together, add in their fanatical humans, and the St Francis Homeless Project, a wonderful mission that employs homeless women in the baking and selling of dog treats, and you have the first official CCT Dog Pawty. Watch this fun video!

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The CCThosted a party for dogs and their humans to highlight the St. Francis Homeless Project and their social enterprise Dogs Dig ‘Em treats.

Dog treats help homeless women get back into the workforce!

The St. Francis Homeless Project is a nonprofit organization that uses social enterprise to offer women in recovery the opportunity to learn how to make, sell and distribute all-natural dog treats. This social enterprise prepares women for the workforce, builds confidence, relationships, and skill sets to help them become more self-reliant. Participants are referred by WestCare after getting sober through a substance-abuse rehabilitation program. For many, making and selling dog biscuits four to 12 hours a week is their first employment in months or years. An opportunity they need to get back into the workforce. The women who complete the six-month program earn two credentials and a food handling certificate. Women then go on and find longer-term employment in food service after their time at St. Francis.

Women who are in recovery for drug and alcohol addictions gather in the pastry kitchen provided by the Institute of Technology in Clovis. Between mixing, rolling and using tiny cookie cutters to make the all-natural treats, these women bond over their past struggles and optimism for their futures, building relationships that continue to their positive futures.

Dogs Dig ‘Em treats are sold in more than a dozen retail locations in Fresno and Clovis or order by email, or call (559) 225-1548 or message St. Francis Homeless Project Inc. on Facebook.

Thanks to Dogs Dig ‘Em for the photo.

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