Can You Make Money and Make a Difference?

This Social Business Plan Workshop is the perfect opportunity to learn how to both become financially sustainable and accomplish your social mission, hand in hand. We call this Social Enterprise, a rapidly-growing category of business nationwide.

Come learn from Entrepreneurship Professor, Andrew Shinn, and founder The Craft of Entrepreneurship

You will learn the aspects of becoming financially viable and attaining social impact. Exceptional business proposals that are completed and submitted will then be eligible to pitch at the CCT’s 6th Annual Spark Tank Pitch Fest, where you will compete for seed capital among other social entrepreneurs in the valley.

Join us on Tuesday, May 22, 2018 from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at the B.C. Lounge, located on the Seminary Campus at Fresno Pacific University.

It’s free, but please register:

Get a jump on the competition in preparing for the next Spark Tank Pitch Fest!

For more information Contact | 559.453.2374 or | 559.453.2367

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