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2016 Certificate in Pastoral and Ministrial Leadership Graduation

The Certificado program provides access to training for Spanish speaking pastors and leaders in the valley. We have now completed the training of 55 Spanish speaking leaders in our valley (19 graduating in 2016), in a solid foundation of ministry and community transformation skills. Each graduate completed 6 modules – 75 hours of training. They are prepared to lead community transformation efforts in some of our poorest neighborhoods.

Meet Carolina Leiva Tovar (pictured with Program Director Brenda Dominguez), who recently graduated from our program. One outcome of what she learned is that she helped design an outreach ceremony that ended up bringing reconciliation between people who had been in conflict in her community.

Also meet Hermeneguilda Crispin (pictured) who has nearly completed our training. He is working with his church in Raisin City to create a park for children in the heart of that tiny, materially poor community. The graduation was a tremendous celebration of the strength and determination of these gifted leaders to pursue the transformation of our valley.

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