Start your business in 10 quick weeks: Cohort 5

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When Benny came to LCV in 2020, Benny noted that “I opened up and realized running a business and working a business are two different things, so I had to get it structured properly to be successful.” Now more than 1 year later, Benny is successfully running Virtue Plumbing Company. Benny is one of over 60 business owners and founders who have come to LCV looking for help in starting their business.

Like so many others, the often-paralyzing thought of what is step 1, 2 and 3 holds entrepreneurs from getting their business off the ground. On the other end, entrepreneurs could end up spending precious start-up time, capital and energy on steps that aren’t necessary in the start-up phase.

If you’ve had the idea of starting your business and don’t know where to start or perhaps you have started but feel stuck, Launch Central Valley exists to support you in your entrepreneurial journey. The 10-week bootcamp includes:

  • A business coach to walk alongside you
  • Access to financial resources to help you get going
  • Understanding what you bring to your business and building a team for success
  • Identifying your customer, finding more of them, and keeping them
  • Establishing the right incorporation for your business (LLC, Sole-proprietorship, S-Corp, Others)
  • Determining your break-even point and profitability
  • How to market your product or service
  • Sales channels
  • Accounting and record keeping

The next cohort begins January 27, 6:00pm – 8:30pm. You can register at Eventbrite:

Benny’s story was captured by ABC 30. You can watch the segment here:​

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