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Meet Our Student Workers!

This season of CCT has been one of trying to keep up with the demand for all CCT programs that are filled to the brim! With that, our team has needed to grow to best serve those in our programs. We’re excited to announce that we’ve hired some talented people to join what God is doing in the Valley through CCT.

Here are our newest CCT members:

Lexi Queenan, Research Assistant

Alexa (or Lexi, as she prefers) is the Research Assistant for the CCT. Her responsibilities include collecting and tracking data on the CCT programs and activities.

Lexi is working to complete her Bachelor’s degree in International Relations and Environmental Ethics at Fresno Pacific University (FPU). She loves animals, trail hiking, and flowers. Her hobbies include running, of which she is currently on the FPU Cross Country and Track team, serving as a captain. Aside from her roles on campus and within the CCT, she enjoys traveling and aspires to work Internationally in the future, assisting abroad.

Melissa Chavez Diaz, Administrative Assitant

Melissa is the Admin Assistant at the CCT. Her role includes data administration, assisting with events, and overseeing task management.

Melissa is working on completing her Master’s Degree in Christian Ministry and Leadership at Fresno Pacific University. She loves meeting new people and partaking in social activities. Some of her hobbies include playing volleyball, going to the gym with friends and building long-lasting friendships.


Yetzanit Amador, Program Assistant

Yetzanit Amador is an assistant to our Spanish-speaking leaders in the Certificado Program here at CCT.

Yetzanit was born and raised in Visalia, CA. This year, she moved to FPU, pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Liberal Studies with a minor in Art. She aspires to further her education at FPU to accomplish her dream of teaching first grade. Her goals include opening a small business teaching art and sharing her handmade goods across the world. Currently, Yetzanit runs a small business customizing and selling handmade jewelry. Some of her favorite hobbies include drinking coffee and hanging out with her pug in her free time.

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