What’s Happening for Small Businesses in the Central Valley?

Start-Up Fest

Thursday, June 13th 

3:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Fresno Pacific University’s Warkentine Culture and Arts Center 

The Start Up Fest is a small business expo for emerging businesses that are growing in the valley.  Attendees will discover the latest start-up talent, enjoy delicious treats from local food trucks, and witness the presentation of the Entrepreneur of the Year award!

REgister for Start-Up Fest: June 13, 2024

Want to know what is happening in the small business community right here in the Central Valley? 

We believe that small businesses cannot do it alone and that we are better together when we help one another grow. The Center for Community Transformation launched the Small Business Expo in 2020 with the goal of highlighting the incredible work that our small businesses are doing in the Valley. 

The Start Up Fest is a small business expo for emerging businesses that are growing in the valley. This event seeks to provide space for those who are starting and growing their businesses to be showcased to the greater community. Alongside business sharing to the community we will also have other valuable resources and connections for them to continue on their path of growing and flourishing. Start-Up Fest will feature business awards to businesses that have been tooled up by us (CCT) and other incredible organizations through their business programs and pathways. 

This event is open to the public for interactions and connections to be made and a chance for small businesses to meet and talk to the public about their products and services. 

We hope that you will join us for Start-Up Fest and hear about the incredible businesses in the Central Valley that are ready to meet you! 

Thursday, June 13th from 3:00 PM to 7:00 Pm at Fresno Pacific University’s Warkentine Culture and Arts Center. 

Register: Start-Up-Fest.eventbrite.com

Be a Vendor at the Start-Up Fest

Start-Up Fest – Vendor Application
This form is businesses in the valley to apply to be a vendor at the 2024 FPU Center for Community Transformation’s Start-Up Fest Expo. Priority is given to start-up businesses served through small business service entities in the Central Valley small business ecosystem (CCT, CVEC CVIIC, FAHF FMBCC)

Be a Sponsor of the Event and Share your offerings with the Business Community

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