Organizations Catch COVID-19 Too

The FPU Center for Community Transformation (CCT) surveyed 33 Faith-Based Community Benefit Organizations (CBOs) in the Valley to ask them about their experience of the pandemic and its effect on their orgs. These diverse orgs add substantial social, economic, spiritual and physical value to the Valley’s health. More than 70% said that they had either been “substantially” or “in nearly every way” disrupted in their ability to carry out their primary mission. One in three CBO Execs said they had to lay off or furlough staff or downsize. And, in perhaps the most ominous of responses, one of four said that if the shelter-in-place restrictions go on into May, their very existence as an organization is threatened because of funding cuts. Two thirds said they are there will be no return to “normal.” The margin most non-profits operate under is paper thin. It doesn’t take much to send them to the emergency room. Some won’t make it through the crisis. Others will need the intensive care of the community to help them pull through. The CCT gathered them to share their experience with each other, along with information and support. The lesson: A healthy valley must be supported by a healthy CBO ecosystem. It is in all of our interest that they thrive.

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